Nursing Home Neglect

We believe that it is reasonable to expect that our loved ones will be properly treated and cared for in their golden years. Often the large multinational corporations which own these nursing homes and long-term care facilities are more interested in profit than the health and safety of those entrusted to their care. These companies do this by hiring inexperienced and poorly trained staff, and they fail to reasonably invest in the training and supervision required. Nursing home abuse and neglect has become widespread and a growing epidemic. According to one recent Congressional report, almost one out of every three nursing homes has been cited for an abuse violation, and the incidences of abuse are growing. It is a serious problem affecting thousands of nursing home residents who are dependent on nursing homes for care. Abuse and neglect can be difficult to recognize and is often covered up by nursing home staff.

We represent people who have been seriously injured or killed by nursing homes and other long-term care facilities in cases involving medication errors, falls, abuse, infections, malnutrition, dehydration, and other areas. We strive to protect those who are not able to protect themselves. Our lawyers are keenly aware of the sensitive nature of these types of cases and strive to provide the best possible representation in a dignified and professional manner. If you believe that your loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home, please contact us for a free consultation.