Our lawyers have recovered MILLIONS of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients over the years. There are many other significant recoveries which we are not able to list here due to due to confidentiality agreements. We fight hard for all of our clients, no matter the size of the case.
Pharmacy Negligence Leads to Major Eye Injuries
$ 6 Million for 35 victims who suffered eye damage from fungus impregnated prescriptions from a Florida compounding pharmacy. Scott Silbert was Plaintiffs’ liaison counsel in this small MDL and took the lead in seeking coverage for the victims’ significant injuries. The defendant had only $3,000,000 in coverage, but we were successful in obtaining significant contributions toward the settlement notwithstanding the defenses urged by several outlier carriers, all of whom denied coverage.
Head-on Collision with Propane Tanker Truck Leads to Massive Brain Injury
Confidential multi-million dollar recovery for the driver of a small pick up truck who suffered massive injuries after colliding head-on with a propane tanker truck, including multiple facial, skull and leg fractures, permanent nerve and brain damage. The settlement figure was in the range of Judgment value determined through a mock trial. We prepared a 30 minute settlement video with computer graphics which other counsel has described as being “like an episode on the Discovery Channel”.
Drunk Driver Crashes into Police Officer (killing him in the line of duty)
Confidential multi-million dollar recovery for the minor daughter of a police officer killed in the line of duty by an intoxicated motorist who failed to yield right-of-way. The case was complicated by the fact that the victim expired more than 24 hours following the collision due to an undiagnosed brain injury that was not appreciated by the treating physicians.
Tire/SUV Defect – Multiple Deaths & Injuries
Confidential multi-million dollar (eight-figure) recovered for three deaths and one injury from a one-vehicle roll over after 360 degree tread separation of the left rear tire of an SUV. The defendants had denied liability based upon the fact that the tire had in excess of 57,000 miles and had less than 3/32 inch of tread remaining.
Trucking Collision (black box data key evidence)
Confidential multi-million dollar recovery for a young woman who suffered devastating injuries after she was ejected from her van after colliding with an 18 wheeler at an intersection. Our team of commercial trucking experts uncovered several federal violations with the commercial tractor-trailer as well as key “black box” data which helped prove the truck driver was perjuring himself. We also hired an expert in crash data recovery who was able to directly download information from the 18 wheeler which helped prove that the truck driver was speeding and acted recklessly.
Bowling Alley Owner’s Negligence Causes Brain Injury
Confidential multi-million dollar recovered from the operator of a bowling alley for a closed head injury resulting from a fall after client inadvertently crossed the foul line. There cases are vehemently fought by the bowling industry. However, through a corporate deposition of the defendant, we were able to show that the warning which was posted was improperly placed and woefully inadequate to warn of the admitted risk of serious injuries due to the presence of lane oil.
Car & Tire Companies Build Defective Product (Deadly)
Confidential multi-million dollar (mid-7 figure) recovery for wrongful death resulting from tire tread separation and subsequent SUV roll-over. Claim was based upon design defect on the part of the car manufacturer and manufacturing defect against the tire manufacturer. The result is noteworthy because the tire in question had exceeded its advertised mileage range and a prior puncture had been improperly plugged instead of patched.
Industrial Workplace Accident
Confidential mid 7-figure multi-million dollar recovery for an industrial plant contractor engaged in construction work during a turn-around caused by the neglect of another company’s employee engaged in pressure testing. The defendant contractor had experienced several launches of a pressure plug but failed to tether the plug in violation of its own safety rules. The victim suffered facial fractures and a traumatic brain injury.
Wrongful Death on Interstate Highway Shoulder
$ 1.8 Million for the widow and two children of the driver of an SUV who had stepped on the shoulder of the highway due to a flat tire and was struck by an 18-wheeler. The defendant driver claimed the victim walked into the path of his truck on the highway. Through the use of an expert accident reconstructionist, we proved that the truck swerved onto the shoulder.
Trash collector hit by uninsured motorist who fell asleep at wheel (defective UM waiver by employer)
$ 1.5 Million for a “hopper” who was crushed against the rear of his employer’s garbage truck by a motorist who fell asleep at the wheel. The employee had a lumbar fusion and steel rods inserted in the multiple fractures in both legs. Our client’s employer had attempted to waive uninsured motorist coverage protection, but the waiver was proven to be inadequate during pre-trial hearings. This case settled just prior to jury selection.
Head-on Collision (wrongful death of an elderly victim)
$ 1.6 Million for elderly widow and four adult children for the wrongful death of their husband/father who died as a result of a head-on crash. This settlement exceeded the maximum judgment value compared to several other reported verdicts and settlements.
Commercial Diving Accident
$1.4 million for a commercial diver who was jet blasting with a tethered sled at a depth of 125 feet. The sled lacked the necessary stabilization equipment to safely operate in the existing sea conditions and slammed into the diver causing his helmet to become dislodged and shattered his femur. The combined fracture, head injury and CNS “hit” prevented the victim from returning to work as a commercial diver.
Highway Defect Causes Vehicle Rollover
$ 1 Million plus verdict for multiple victims seriously injured in rollover incident at dangerous curve on a Louisiana highway, where our investigation revealed that local residents had complained repeatedly to the state, with no luck, even after the local “Action Reporter” aired a story on the dangerous curve five months before our client’s crash. One of the residents wrote a letter to the state begging them to do something before someone was killed. The curve was finally made safer 18 months later, at minimal cost, by striping the road, replacing signs and reflectors, and adding two large warning signs.
18 Wheeler Driver Causes Death
$1 Million for the surviving spouse and children of a man involved in a collision with an 18 wheeler. Despite the erroneous conclusions drawn by the investigating officer placing blame on our client for swerving into the tractor trailer, we worked with an accident reconstructionist who was able to exonerate our client and place fault on the driver of the 18 wheeler.
Ship Repairer Falls
$825,000 for settlement of claim involving multiple back surgeries when client fell in a hole created when another contractor removed a deck plate. A claim was also made against the vessel owner which acted as a general contractor for ship renovations based on its failure to coordinate timing of repairs so that the work of one contractor would not endanger workers of other contractors aboard the ship. Settlement value also included waiver of workers’ compensation lien in excess of $100,000.
Trucking Collision Ends Offshore Worker’s Career
$860,000 verdict for offshore worker who suffered a career ending injury from a rear-end wreck. Prior to trial, the defense had offered only $100,000 and the defense counsel admitted after trial that he had evaluated the case as having a maximum verdict potential of $250,000.
Teenager Crushed Leg by an Unsecured Floodgate
$850,000 for a fourteen year old boy who suffered an amputation of his leg when it was crushed by a large, swinging floodgate. Through intense investigation and numerous depositions we were able to prove that the City was negligent and failed to follow their own standards for maintenance and upkeep of these gates. We assisted this teenager in structuring the settlement so that he would receive monthly payments for many, many years which will provide a steady stream of compensation for the rest of his life.
Trucking Collision with Cement Truck
$625,000 verdict for our client who got the worst of a collision between a cement truck and a family car, a crash that resulted in multiple surgeries and a permanent impairment of the client’s ability to earn money for his family. There were several versions of how the accident occurred, but by the time our opponent’s star witness took the stand, he had already been so effectively proven to be a liar that the judge personally swore in the witness in dramatic fashion, ending in a crescendo on the phrase “… so help you almighty God!” The judge completely accepted our client’s version of how the accident occurred, and awarded judgment accordingly. Only $80,000 had been offered to our client prior to trial.
Car Crash Minimal Impact (with Serious Injuries)
Despite an accident causing less than $800 in property damage and an ankle injury that did not require surgery, we negotiated a settlement in the amount of $540,000 for a client who re-injured his ankle and was unable to return to his former occupation. Our firm has vast experience in overcoming the typical insurance company defense that so-called minor impacts do not result in serious injury. We helped develop the medical evidence which proved that our client’s injuries were caused by this collision, despite the extensive efforts of the defense team to show otherwise.
Wrongful Death of a Construction Worker at Port of Providence, Rhode Island
$750,000 (plus waiver of compensation lien) for welder assisting in repair of a gantry crane that was damaged in a storm who was struck in the face by a pneumatic jack. Though the injury was due primarily to co-worker neglect, we proved that plans for repair were unsafe due to omissions of an engineering firm over-seeing the job. Engineering firm funded the entire settlement.
Longshoreman Severely Injured on Dock
Confidential mid 6-figure recovery for a contract laborer/longshoreman whose legs were crushed due to negligent operation of a front loader by the primary stevedore’s employee. We were able to overcome the asserted borrowed servant defense by showing that the stevedore routinely hired so many contract laborers when it had to handle more than 2 ships at a time that the stevedore was actually sub-contracting a portion of the work to the temporary labor company. We also asserted that the borrowed servant defense was not available at all under the Longshore Act based on the Supreme Court’s Edmonds decision. Rather than risking an adverse ruling potentially impacting dozens of similarly situated employees, the defendant chose to pay fair value for its tort exposure.
Note below that medical malpractice cases are subject to a legislative cap on damages which reduces the amount an injured victim can recover. Many multi-million dollar recoveries we have obtained in these types of cases cannot be listed here due to strict confidentiality agreements.
Negligent Medical Procedure Leads to Stroke
Confidential settlement in excess of one million dollars for the maximum lump sum allowed under Louisiana law (including all future medical expenses) where surgeon placed catheter for dialysis in patient’s carotid artery instead of the jugular vein resulting in a massive stroke. Claim was against the surgeon and the radiologist who later failed to appreciate the improper placement prior to the onset of the stroke.
E.R. Doctor Fails to Diagnose – Leads to Amputation
$875,000 jury verdict for a man who went to the emergency room twice in one week only to be turned away by the same emergency room doctor on duty. If the doctor had followed standard medical protocol and provided the proper treatment our client would not have lost his leg due to lack of blood flow. The defendant doctor’s insurance company offered nothing to settle so we took the case to trial in a very conservative county, resulting in one of the largest medical malpractice verdicts in that area in many years.
Disclaimer: Note that the cases above are just a sampling of the many different types of cases successfully handled by our attorneys, many of which were referred to us by other attorneys or sometimes even passed over. Results are never guaranteed nor promised — recoveries obtained in these instances are based upon the unique facts of each case. Please note that even if you have a potential case with identical or similar facts, there is no guaranteed recovery and individual results may vary.